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12th District

American Legion Riders

Department of Florida

Meeting Schedule for 2015-2016


I can call for a separate District Meeting. The Secretary will be notified by me when and where to meet as all Chapter Directors will be notified. Otherwise, the ALR 12th District meeting will be with the Legion on the following dates and locations with sign-in at 9AM; Meeting from 10AM to 12PM.


5 September 2015:                      12 December 2015:                5 March 2016:

Post 189 in Sebastian                 Post 1 in Titusville                 Post 318 in Port St. Lucie


If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact me at 321.698.7244 or click on the "Contact Us" menu item and send a message to the Secretary, who will immediately forward your message to me.


Thank You.


For God and Country,


Scott Dunn

12th District Chairman

American Legion Riders Department of Florida


"Ride for the cause, not the applause"


(c) 2015 12th District Florida American Legion Riders

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